T H E   S C E N E 

THE SCENE is a nonprofit organization established for two purposes: to enjoy the values of musical theatre with our local community through musical performances and education and volunteer activities using the musical theatre, and to promote the cultural development of our local community.

Musical theatre not only provides its audience with aesthetic satisfaction and entertainment, but it also refreshes the conscious through its role as a mirror reflecting the society. Furthermore, teaching musical theatre has high educational values in that it covers diverse areas including language, literature, entertainment, teamwork, and creativity.

We have emerged as the Korean Minjok Leadership Academy's musical theatre club in 2017 in dreams of sharing these musical theatre's values with our local community. Having begun our 'Activating the Musical Theatre Culture of our Local Community' Project in 2019, we aspire to launch diverse projects with teenagers across our nation through our non-profit organization.

©2020 by THE SCENE


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IMAGINE in Quarantine

Watch our first project of the YOUTHeatre, “Imagine,” where 22 high school students joined online to spread messages of hope and love.